Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


klik image yg diinginkan lalu save ke PC komputer. lalu sunting pengaturan profil akun twitter anda kemudian browser image yg telah anda save di PC komputer tadi.. aahh gitu aja koq repot...?? klo masih kurang di mengerti, segera hubungi pemadam kebakaran terdekat di kota anda... lalu tanyain tuh si pemadam kebakaran klo harga ikan bandeng di pasar senen sekilo brapaan..??!!!
met mencoba ya... :) 

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


Before today, I had never heard of Indonesian director Gareth Evans’ The Raid. However, this morning everyone was talking about the rave reviews the action flick received  from its screening at the Toronto Film Festival late last night, and after you watch this trailer you’ll understand why. Seriously, the trailer is absolutely brutal action from wall-to-wall. The pic centers on an elite police squad that scales a 30-story high rise in order to take down a kingpin. That’s it. That’s the plot of the whole movie. If the finished product is anything like this trailer, I’m definitely in. The score for the film is being done by Linkin Park‘s Mike Shinoda. Hit the jump to watch the very NSFW red band trailer.